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Collaboration with Jaco Sieberhagen

Composition details


Voice and piano (with additional instruments)


Jaco Sieberhagen



Year of composition


Programme notes

The lyrics of this work is based on a poem that accompanies the sculpture, Reisiger, by Jaco Sieberhagen. This work was a collaboration between Jaco Meyer and Jaco Sieberhagen.

Composer's statement

The steel sculptures by Jaco Sieberhagen as part of the exhibition, The Other Side of Winter, caught my attention and captured my interest in this sculptor’s work. I found the simplicity and vibrant colours of the sculptures, as well as the reminiscence of Maurits Cornelis Escher, visually pleasing – they were very striking in the white exhibition space. What interested me most, was that every sculpture had its own poem presented on the plinths and these poems were written by the sculptor. The poems did not only convey the narrative of the sculptures but also elucidated parts of the sculptor’s personal experiences and objectives for creating the specific sculpture – they are certainly not arbitrary combinations. In a casual conversation with Sieberhagen, I informed him about my perceptions of the work and I wished that someone could sing the words to me when I look at the sculptures. This is where our collaboration started.

Music score

The music score of this composition can be ordered from the composer through the contact page. Please ensure that you provide the correct title and version/instrumentation of the composition that you would like to order.

Reisiger SAMPLE.jpg
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